
While we’re sorry that we have no income or paid positions or article compensation at this time. We do have some “open positions” we would love to see filled by community volunteers for ongoing columns keeping tabs on plurals in the media, etc.

Freelance Journalists (Submissions) — in search of well-thought-out op-eds and investigative original news stories, happy to provide editorial direction and critique before publication.

“Staff” Journalists (Volunteers) — in search of trainees or skilled writers looking to contribute articles per our writing guidelines. We get Google Alerts of various mentions of plural-adjacent terms that need to be vetted for relevance and covered on a daily or weekly basis. Topic journalists welcome i.e .someone who only wants to cover a specific area such as Film/TV, Science/Medicine, or general news stories.

Soap Operas (Columnists) — none of the current CP editorial staff watches any of the myriad soap operas, so one or more contributors covering plurals in soap operas would be greatly appreciated.  Soaps have a specific and important role in broadcast media, often a testing ground for Mx. Public’s reception for radical ideas.  There have been several plural characters “tested out” in soap operas and we’d love a journalist and activist to keep the plural community on top of plural issues in the soaps.  Soaps themselves are usually fragmented multi-threaded volatile swamps of heated emotions and may or may not be suitable for a general plural audience, but we can still applaud positive portrayals or correct incorrect and stigmatizing portrayals of plural characters with proper activism and coverage of the highly sensitive soap opera medium.

To Discuss Opportunities

If you’d like to discuss becoming a regular contributor or column writer for CP, please contact us below.

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