McLean Has More Proof We’re Not Faking
In a startling revelation, McLean Hospital proves yet again that dissociative disorders are real with fMRI brain imaging.
In a quest for diagnostic assistance for dissociative disorders (say in children, non-verbal folk, brain injuries, or folk with doctors who fail to recognize dissociative symptoms), and to decrease stigma and diagnostic resistance for dissociative disorders in general, researchers put 65 people they call women (with histories of childhood abuse and PTSD; they did not identify whether they had dissociative disorders in the article) under fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to study how brain regions communicate in these subjects.
While this study doesn’t do anything for people now, the researchers hope that at some point this information can be used as a diagnostic aid for folk unable to describe their symptoms, and that dissociative-disorder-resistant educators and practitioners will come to view them as valid so that diagnosticians and patients can communicate about symptoms and diagnoses more readily in the future.
Note the glaring limitation in this study of limiting the gender of the study participants.
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