2023 Events for the Plural Community
Next year promises to be a jam-packed experience for plurals wishing to connect with the community and for plurals and their allies to learn more about plural experiences. 2023 will feature multiple conferences, workshops, courses, meetups, and more. Dive in and see what you& might be interested in!
System Pride Day is celebrated each year on February 23rd, a Thursday in 2023. DID Awareness Day is celebrated on March 5th, a Sunday in 2023. There will be social media posts, memes, and possible events on these days.
Plural Pride Day is the third Saturday in July, the 15th in 2023, and it is surrounded by Plural Acceptance Week, running Monday July 10 through Sunday July 16. Stay tuned for events throughout the week!
An Infinite Mind hosts a monthly Speaker Series webinar on the second Sunday of each month from 4:00 – 5:30 PM EST for $10 USD. The first in the 2023 series is “Confronting Stigma and Bias of Dissociative Experiences in the Media: Towards a New Narrative” on January 8, presented by Dr. Jamie+ Marich. Please see their website for more details on upcoming Speaker Series presentations.
Healing Together, put on by An Infinite Mind, will be February 17-19, 2023. It is a hybrid conference both online and at the Hilton Double Tree Sea World Resort in Orlando, Florida, USA. The in-person conference is $185, Zoom is $135, and one-day passes (pick Saturday or Sunday) are $100 each. This conference is limited to those aged 18 and above.
The Plural Association (TPA) hosts a monthly virtual meetup at two different times on the first Saturday of each month, beginning with January 7. They also host a weekly text-based chat on Tuesdays. These get-togethers are for members of their online community; contact TPA for financial assistance if needed.
The free Plural Positivity World Conference will be hosted by TPA in the third week of May 2023. They are currently calling for presenters and volunteers to sign up for the Conference until January 15. Past conference sessions are also available to view on the Plural Events YouTube channel, and this year’s sessions will be added there as well.
Crystals of Multifaceted Journeys, peer supporters and group organizers with significant clinical training, have several offerings for plurals, providers, and those who fall into both categories. Their groups are for members only, but membership is easily gained with an interview and a one-time gift of $2, $20, or $200 based on your financial situation and how you feel moved to donate. Says Crystals, “I want people to tune into what’s right for them. It’s more important to me that people are able to have access.” Groups are both support groups and planned courses currently hosted over Zoom. Highlights include a support group for providers who are also plural, a Life Compass Calibrations course for plurals, and several courses for providers, among others that can be found on their website.
The Crisses will offer free watch parties for “Let’s Talk About Shame” one of their sessions from the 2022 Plural Positivity World Conference. You can contact them to join a watch party through their coaching website.
Other events that might be of interest to, specifically attended by, or intentionally inclusive of the plural community include the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, Further Confusion January 12-16, Annual World Hearing Voices Day September 14, Midwest Furfest in the fall, OtherCon, Draconic Summit in the spring, and Shining Hearth March 24-26.