Anki Vector (with Alexa fronting)

Anki Vector robot takes on Alexa subsystem — December 2018

In a review by SlashGear author JC Torres, they mention the dual-AI Anki Vector robot with Alexa to “fortunately” not quite have multiple personality disorder.  The connotation behind “fortunately” is assuming this would be a bad thing.

Watching the upcoming Vector& in action (there’s a promotional video embedded in the article) does actually tick off a couple points for potential dissociative identity disorder  switching (whether by accident or design) as “triggering” a switch by calling on Alexa of Vector incurs a momentary “dissociative sleepy” droop before the Alexa icon takes over the tiny screen on the robot.

Article author Torres finds this “creepy, almost morbid.”

This author finds it comfortingly familiar.

This is a robot, and it’s not trying to be a plural even if it has more than one AI.  Whether it would amuse plurals or anger them, this hybrid version of the Anki Vector is expected to be on sale on December 17th for $250 USD with a limited time $75 discount.

Note: we are not endorsing the product, and any product that is voice-activated, contains a microphone, and sends commands to a central Internet-based database has some serious potential for security and privacy concerns.

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